Some regulation is necessary, the FDA is there to make sure bad actors get prosecuted, but in the last few decades they’ve come more of a burden than a help. It took them a full month of red tape to even get started on approving emergency medicine for COVID. At that point, you know they’ve gone too far, if you can’t even get a study started for 3-6 months and they won’t let medicine on the market for 6-9 years.
If people are dying, they should have the right to take a medicine that isn’t fully proven but has shown promise. More people are dying due to the red tape than would ever die from unexpected side effects or allergic reactions.
The market is the right way to solve this, if you get poisoned, then you should have the right to sue, the FDA allows large drug companies to get away with it because ”hey, the FDA approved it”, even though they know about dangerous side effects and then the FDA takes another 10 years to allow people to sue.